Smart crosswalk

Intelligent system for monitoring and signaling pedestrian crossings. It is a new measure in the improvement of signage in the municipality that significantly increases road safety for pedestrians and drivers.

The main objective of this component is road safety. The installation requirements are minimal, being able to supply the system from the closest point of light (public lighting network or own power supply of the traffic light installed on the road).

The passage is facilitated for pedestrians with physical difficulties, thus minimizing the risk of being run over. Innovation for the development of road safety in Smart Cities.

The system fulfills several functions, among which are:

  • Illuminate the start and end of the passage by means of white LED plates on the pavement or with beacons and signs that light up when a pedestrian is ready to cross.
  • Warn the driver of the presence of a pedestrian.
  • Illuminate the vertical signage of the pedestrian crossing.
  • They incorporate red LEDs to make the pedestrian crossing more visible in hours of greater natural lighting.

In short, this system notably increases the safety of the pedestrian.

The system allows future modifications and extensions, facilitating integration with citizen platforms to feed the system with statistics, route analysis, number of activations to control passage, conflict points …